What follows is a list of known 16th and 17th century builders of citterns, orpharions, and bandoras. The list is sorted roughly by region and provides links to information about surviving wire-strung instruments.
Mallet was Manciple of St. Edmund Hall. His 'workhouse' or workshop was inventoried in 1612 and lists "4 orpharions, 5 citternes wherof one in a case, 2 citternes unfinisht, a flatback lute & case, 2 chists, working tooles, with divers lumber" and furniture, all valued at £5. 4s. 4d. (Spring)
Said to have been a student of Girolamo Virchi. His son Francesco also followed in the luthiery trade until Gasparo's death and may have sold the business to Paolo Maggini, one of Gasparo's students. (Grove's)
Mentioned as "magister a citharis" in February 1597. (Dasenno/Ravasio)
Virchi is said to have been the master of Gasparo da Salo.(Grove's) He was the father of Paolo Virchi, an oganist who also published a cittern book in 1574.
Mentioned as "magister cithararum" from 1563-1564. (Dasenno/Ravasio)
The side of the neck is
inscribed: "Franciscus Citared. Urb." "Citared." is most probably an abbreviation
for "Citaraedus," which might mean either "cittern player" or "cittern maker."
The words "A Rossi [da?] Urbino" and a date (possibly "1530" or "1550"?) are written on the neck.
Klemm, Johann or Johann George
ca. 1590
Randeck, Germany
4 citterns in the Mariendom Cathedral, Freiberg, Germany?
The citterns in the Mariendom Cathedral are all unsigned, though other instruments in the collection bear the Klemm label. (Michel)
Tilman, Abraham
Inv. No. K 64 n
Label reads "Abraham Tilman van Antwerpen 1602." "'Van Antwerpen' may mean that he worked in that city, but it could also indicate that he left it, whether for another town in the Southern Netherlands or for the Northern Republic, as did many thousands of Protestants from Antwerp in the last decades of the sixteenth century." (Grijp)
Burlon (Borlon), Artus (Aert)
fl .1593-1619
Antwerp / Amsterdam
Burlon (Borlon), Hans Aertsz
mentioned 1593-1627
Son of Aert Burlon. (Giskes)
Burlon (Borlon), Thomas Aertsz
mentioned 1595 & 1605
Son of Aert Burlon. (Giskes)
Coop (Cop), Gerrit Aertsz
mentioned 1597-1627
Son-in-law of Aert Burlon. (Giskes)
Coop (Cop), Nicolaes Aertsz
mentioned 1608-1613. d. 1621
Son-in-law of Aert Burlon. (Giskes)
Bochs (Bosch), Pieter Fransen
mentioned 1604-1640
Bouterse, Jan
mentioned 1613-1660
Gerritsz, Dirck
mentioned 1612-1625
Jansen, Jan
mentioned 1618 & 1625
Lupo, Francis Fransz
mentioned mentioned 1607-1659
Menslage, Gerrit
b. ca. 1607
d. 1661
van Offenbeeck, Abraham Joosten
mentioned 1605-1637
Antwerp / Amsterdam
Pietersen, Pieter
mentioned 1606-1666
Utrecht / Amsterdam
Vredeman (Vreedman), Michiel
after 1583
Son of citternist Sebastian Vreedman (who published a cittern book in 1568 and another in 1569) and maker of violins and citterns in Utrecht from
1583 on. He supposedly invented a violin-cittern, for which a method
(in tablature) was published. (Waldbauer)
Michiel also made two six-course citterns that were catalogued in an inventory of Frisian clerk Pibo Gaulthieri of Leeuwarden in 1618 along with a copy of Michiel's book Der Violen Cyther. (Visccher)
Dassenno, Flavio and Ugo Ravasio. Gasparo da Salò e la liuteria bresciana tra rinascimento e barocco, Fondazione Civilità Bresciana: Brescia, and Editrice Turris, Cremona (1990). See also Ravasio, Ugo. Liuteria Bresciana. <http://www.liuteriabresciana.it>
Giskes, Johan H. Tweehondred jaar bouw van strijkinstrumenten in Amsterdam (1600-1800), in: Jaarbook Amstelodamum79 (1987), p. 56-64, cited in: Grijp, ibid. below.
Grijp, Louis Peter. "The cittern of Sweelinck and Vermeer. Contextual information for the excavated Zuyderzee citterns," in: Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte 66: Gittare und Zister — Bauweise, Spieltechnik und Geschichte bis 1800.(2005).
Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Macmillan & Co., ltd.: London (1908).
Michel, Andreas. "Quellen zur Geschichte der Zister in Sachsen vom 16. bis 19. Jarhundert," in: Michaelsteiner Konferenzberichte 66, ibid.
Spring, Matthew. “Reconstructing the consort lessons of Richard Reade.” in Lute News 54 (June 2000), pp.6-14.
Visscher, R. Iets over het muziekleven te Leeuwarden in het begin der 17e eeuw, in: De vrije Fries 28 (1928), pp.17-31, cited in: Grijp, ibid.
Waldbauer, Ivan. The Cittern in the Sixteenth Century and its Music in France and the Low Countries. Dissertation. Harvard University (1964).
How to cite this page: Hartig, Andrew. "A Provisional List of 16th and early 17th Century Builders of Citterns, Orpharions & Bandoras." Renovata Cythara: The Renaissance Cittern Site. Ed. Andrew Hartig.
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06 March 2025.