Period Sources of Treatises and Theoretical Works Mentioning Cittern
Last updated
Sunday, April 02, 2023.
The following is a table of period theoretical works that mention the
cittern (or variants), its tuning, or its use. The list is derived mostly
from the New Grove Dictionary
of Music and Musicians articles on "cittern"
and "ceterone," as well as my own research.Currently, clicking on a title in blue will display the contents
for that manuscript in a separate window.
I hope eventually to have links to the contents for all extant manuscripts.If there are any other sources you know of that we have missed
or if you have a correction, please contact me, and I will be
more than happy to include them.
N.B. A title in brackets denotes a lost source.
Author / Theorist
Year of Publication
Place of Publication
De inventione et usu musicae
Tinctoris, Johannes
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses the "cetula" and
its tuning—a possible precursor to the cittern.
Scintille di musica
Lanfranco, Giovanni Maria
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses the cittern
and its tuning (no music).
Modern English translation by B. Lee in Giovanni Maria Lanfranco's
'Scintille di musica' and its Relation to 16th-century Music Theory,
dissertation, Cornell University, 1961.
Le institutioni harmoniche
Zarlino, Gioseffo
Zarlino mentions a ceterone that is used by the Spanish. ("Vsa lo Italiano, et anco il Francese grandemente il Leuto, et lo Spagnolo vsa il Ceterone; ancora che varia poco dal Leuto; et altri popoli vsano il Piffero.")
Nothing else is known about his instrument in this context.
Balsamino, Simone
Balsamino mentions an instrument of his own invention,
the cetarissima, that has seven courses of brass and steel
strings with the following tuning: A-d-g-c'-e'-g"-c".
De regulaepantometrae ... fabrica & usu libri septern...
Coignet, Michiel
after 1596
MS copy, Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, Ms. Latin 7253
"Problema 12um. Cytharis ac testudinibus tactus sonorum imponere" describes the use of a pantometer for the division and placing of frets on a cittern using Pythagorean tuning.
Del Sonare Sopra'l Basso Con Tutti Li Stromenti
Agazzari, Agostino
Book on basso continuo. Agazzari cites the ceterone
as useful for a continuo ensemble.
Monteverdi, Claudio
Monteverdi lists both ceteroni and chitaroni as
instruments to be used in the performance of his Orfeo.
El melopes y maestro
Cerone, Pedro
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses the cythara,
citola, and cethera (no music).
Utriusque Cosmi ... Historia , vol. 2
Fludd, Robert
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses the cittern (no music).
Syntagma Musicum, vol. 2
Praetorius, Michael
1618, 2/1619
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses several types
of citterns (including 4-, 6-, and 12-course, plus various sizes)
and their tunings (no music).
Polyhymnia caduceatrix
Praetorius, Michael
Listed in the new edition of Grove as a
source of cittern music; however
the book does not contain any actual music for cittern. Rather, Praetorius
suggests using cittern to double certain parts playing from single-line
staff notation.
Harmonie universelle
Mersenne, M.
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses the cittern and its
tuning (no music). Also describes a cisteron of 14 single courses and a
flat back.
Musurgia Universalis
Kircher, Athanasius
Theoretical treatise on music. Discusses the cittern
and its tuning (no music).
Wiskonstige musyka
van Nierop, Dyrck Rembrantz
This work, bound with his Mathematische calculatie, contains a diagram of a fingerboard for a cittern fretted using just intonation. The diagram is copied in Lindley's Lutes, Viols, and Temperaments, p. 76.
Reglas, y advertencias
Minguet y Yrol, Pablo
Cited in the old edition of Grove as being
the last known mention of diatonic fretting for cittern (no music).
Forrester notes that "Minguet y Yrol [pair] cittern chords with
guitar alfabeto, opening up a very large potential valid field for